Being a newlywed, I catch myself thinking a lot about the little reasons I love my husband. I love how he HAS to hold the toothpaste while he brushes his teeth, how fresh herbs bring him immense joy, how he holds my hand even when we're just walking to the other room, how ridiculously ticklish he is, how safe he makes me feel, how he can work the scientific equation into normal conversation. I don't want to forget about these little things and all the magical moments we'll share in our first year of marriage together.
So we made a love jar. We took a big glass jar and placed it on a shelf in the bedroom. Next to it is a simple notepad and pen. So now we jot those things down, fold them up and tuck them away in this jar. Sometimes i write down something silly he's said or draw a picture of something from a day we've spent together or thank him for remembering to take out the trash. They are little things, but they are filling up quickly right before our eyes.
And there's just one rule: No peeking until our one year anniversary!
this is the coolest idea. I want to do the same thing after our wedding in April.
This warms my heart. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing.
That's so cute. Great idea! My husband and I could stand to do a little of reminding each other of the great things right now. : )
Brilliant idea! I just started writing things like this down in a little notebook for my husband, and I think it makes me happier than it makes him...almost.
I just teared up a bit.... :)
such a great idea!!! and then you can make it into a book afterwards or something :)
What a fantastic idea!!
it does come in yellow!!
http://www.michaelmillerfabrics.com/MMF/Popup1_SwatchT4.cfm?Popup=6&&Gnam=Summer Soiree by Paula Prass&Sgrp=MANHATTAN
i just don't know where to purchase it!
Adorable idea!!!!
what a cute idea! love it. you are so creative. :)
That's really sweet!
I freaking LOVE this concept!!! I've seen it done a little differently before though. I've heard this done by also including the "bumps in the road" that you encounter your first year as well as the happy things. Then on your 1st anniversary you can see what you've come through and endured together and look back at the happy things as well. I like both ideas and plan on using one once we're married.
Such a lovely idea! you two are so cute =)
Um, hi... I LOVE this!! I've been dating my boyfriend for three years (tomorrow!) and eventually when I'm there... I will do this. He will laugh and call me a dork... but will fill it up quicker than I. I love this.
Thank you!
awwwwww! we're totally copying this! only 3 months to go and then we can start filling it up! thanks for the idea :)
love this. not that you ever forget all the things that you love about your husband but how wonderful to capture the thought at that instant.
this is brilliant! i hope we do it too!
This is a brilliant and adorable idea and you've inspired many people to do the same thing today!
P.S. I found you through Nina.
love this idea. Me and boyfriend do something kind of like this.
Wow that is such a great idea!!!!!!!
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