I had the great pleasure of designing these bridal shower invites for a very dear friend of mine who is getting married in January. She's marrying a Brit and moving to England, so what better way to celebrate than hosting a ladies tea party? The theme is inspired by a modern take on Alice in Wonderland. It's going to be a splendid afternoond spent "down the rabbit hole" and I can't wait to share pictures of all of the fun things we have planned.
Sooooooo cute.
Love these invites!! My bridal shower theme was Mad Hatter and everyone had to wear a hat!!! I love the Alice in Wonderland theme and the invites are right on!!!
Kelly, I love them.
so stinking cute. i love em.
Kelly! these are so freakin' adorable! Great job
OK, how cute are you? These are amazing! Just checked out your blog via a link in your e-mail to the shop...mind if I share the pic & a link to your blog on our blog? Thanks so much for your order btw!
(This is Jenny from Home Ec. btw!)
How did you get the fabric to stick to the card?
SO cute!!! LOVE the colors.
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