
bon voyage!

it's finally here - the mister and I are off to sunny (i hope!) mexico for our HONEYMOON! i'm looking forward to eight lazy dreamy days together. xo


finally. after a long month apart, my mister is home right where he belongs.

image via le love

the sweetest

i'm so excited to share this post with you. a dear friend of mine was married earlier this month and by now you've seen her wedding EVERYWHERE (namely two of my favorite sources of inspiration: 100 Layer Cake & Once Wed). you know, the anthropologie-inspired amazing-ness? well, not only was i lucky enough to be a guest at their love-filled nuptials, i also got to design their sweet candy table and bake some yummy cuppielove! you see, my friend also worked with Meg (the superhero planner of La Partie Events) to plan her big day, and Meg asked if I'd like to create the sweets table display for the day. easy answer - YES, PLEASE!

all gorgeous images courtesy of erin hearts court


collect them all

i just adore these little wooden creatures from enormouschampion that were featured on Lovely Package yesterday. they remind me of a more modern, whimsically poppy version of the wooden cutouts my grandpa used to make us as kids. you can just feel that each one is crafted with love.

they all look so happy together - how can you pick just one? get them all and create a little wooden menagerie of your very own.

goodbye weekend, hello monday

i know, it's a bit late to be greeting Monday, but it's been a busy morning. not fun busy, but waiting at the car dealership to get my flat tire fixed busy. good times. anyways, hello! i hope everyone had a happy weekend. here's a little glimpse into what i was up to....

friday i drove up to Laguna Nigel to deliver some succulentLOVE and flowers for an event with the amazing ladies at Samantha Smith Productions.

on the way home i got a flat tire. boo.

a nice long walk and shopping on Saturday with one of my favorite ladies. and on sunday I strolled through the Unique Mini Market with Miss Heather and her little bean.

a sun shiny weekend full of lovely ladies. i enjoyed this weekend but i'm really looking forward to this week: my topher comes home (finally! it's been four weeks!) and on saturday we leave on our belated and heavily anticipated honeymoon! hooray!


sneak peek

i'm working on some lovelies for an event in Laguna Niguel this weekend. gotta get back to it, so for now here are some photos of what I've been up to...

oh, and yeah, those bouquets are happily rooming with the butter until tomorrow. :)



a big heartfelt thank you to the lovely ladies at smitten for featuring cuppielove on their new blog. please check out their fabulous write up here and take a peek around their blog while you're at it!


flights of fancy

maybe it was the telling airline wings in Sunday night's Mad Men premiere, missing my airplane engineering mister, or looking forward to flying together to our honeymoon in just 10 days (!!!). i don't know for sure, but something's got me enamored with everything airborne. let's take it to the skies....

mad men & fancy ladies

my dear friend, erin hosted a small shindig last night to celebrate the return of Mad Men. everything was inspired by the kitchsy 60s. from delicious Manhattans to a colorful spread of deviled eggs, pigs-in-a-blanket, and cocktail meatballs.
I brought my famous mini mac&cheese balls.
Meg brought just the right touch of fancy.

*(pardon the grainy iPhone pics)


well kids, i did it. it took 3 hours of stamina, patience and willpower, but I made my way through my closet! all my lovelies are happily organized by sleeve length and color. everything has it's place. oh, i love order! now, let's just hope it stays that way for a bit.

update: OMGosh, i WISH this was my closet. the image is from ffffound!
well ladies looks like i need to add: "give my closet some pizazz" to my list of things to do!


now the closet just snickers as i pass by.

i will conquer the damn thing!

enjoy the weekend lovelies! if i'm not back here monday, send help towards the muffled screams coming from the closet.

image: glamour


well...let me explain

I never got around to even looking in my closet yesterday. shameful. it's been on my to do list for weeks (ok, months really) now. this weekend it's do or die people! that closet WILL be cleaned by yours truly. i promise. i hope...

and the hair. well, i have bangs. bangs-ish. and i think i like them. i'm really unsure. i have to get to know them a bit more first before i make any harsh judgments.

so, it's just me and my bangs and my closet. how tragic.

images via ffffound, miss-tal, unicornology


to do

today i am getting a new 'do and cleaning out my closet. wish me luck on both.

images: flickr + booooooom.com


inspired edge

i'm working on some really exciting projects that i can't wait to share with you.
for now here's a little sneak peek into what's inspiring me these days...scallops! they seem to be everywhere and I'm just loving the modern whimsy they evoke.

a parade of scallops.....

have scalloped designs been popping up all around your little world as well? please send me any scallop inspired images. xoxo

photos: ffffound, the dieline, interiordesign.net, seesawdesigns, ffffound


editor's pick @ minted!

i'm beside myself with excitement. my graphic blossoms personal stationary design was chosen as an editor's pick in minted's latest design challenge. yippee! while i'm doing cartwheels - you can check out all the winners at minted's blog here.

happy monday!


hello there, weekend!

yay, the weekend's here. hope you have a happy one. get outside and enjoy the sun, twirl a bit, and bask in the loveliness of summer. xo

image via - via ffffound!


moonlight moonburgers!

the baking bug hit me at 9 o'clock last night so i decided to revisit a childhood favorite and whip up some moonburgers. you may call them whoopie pies, but we grew up begging grandma to make us her delicious moonburgers!

ok, so i got a little carried away with their size. you can't tell, but they are the size of a hearty double double burger. it was late, what can i say.


such a lovely surprise

thank you bubble! i love you too! come home soon please...xo

we're 8!

cheers to the happiest eight years of my life.
thank you + happy anniversary, darling!

photo: erinheartscourt

succulentLOVE on design*sponge!

oh i'm so giddy! succulentLOVE got some love on design*sponge today! design*sponge has long been a daily read for me. whenever i'm in need of some visual inspiration or creative day dreaming it's on my list of must-reads. so it's especially thrilling to see succulentLOVE mentioned on it's lovely pages!

a big happy thank you to Paige for including us as a decor idea in her "modern tupperware party" event inspiration post. she just keeps shooting for the moon with her guest posts over at d*s this week!

head over here to have a lookie loo. xoxo


i scream, you scream

we all scream for ice cream! an ice cream social that is. check out this great guest post on design*sponge from Paige at bash events. she's created a themed event around one of my very favorite things - ice cream. isn't it lovely?

last week i made mint milano cookie ice cream for a dear friend as a special little thank you. paige's post makes me want to host a homemade ice cream tasting party! flavor requests, anyone?


well done you: crystal barlow

i was tickled pink by the octopus and whale designs for eenie meenie that were floating around the blogs last week.

then again today my eyes lit up when i saw this...

so happy and juicy and whimsical - it makes you want to dance around the room. imagine my surprise to learn both projects were created by a very talented designer named Crystal Barlow. I'm so smitten with her work, i've picked crystal to receive the very first 'well done you' award on yes, please. i can't wait to see what she does next!